Our fellow American, specially Iranian American,
What we stand for
Introducing and describing the
goal and means of the Cyrus Force in the US
(Followers of Cyrus in Iran)
Followers of Cyrus have existed since 2500 years
ago in Iran. However, 20 years ago, the organization was officially registered in
the United States of America under the name of "Cyrus Force" with its main objective to amend and
restore Iran’s constitution and The Fall of the Ayatollahs Regime.
The Followers of Cyrus, whose name is the
"Cyrus Force" in America, now with a goal and a means to amend the constitution in Iran and eventually, the
fall of the Ayatollahs' regime, at which they have proposed in the attached
Cyrus Force is not a political party or a special
interest group; furthermore, the followers of Cyrus are not looking to collect
members and supporters , rather, they offer their road map to Iranian diapora
and especially Iranian Americans, who as
volunteers with their own name, to
continue our strive towards the separation of church and state. We believe that
nobody should have to face repression in
their quest for freedom.
The Followers of Cyrus offer the booklet describing our goal towards social
change through a precise process in 8
steps to amend the constitution in Iran. Such process is offered to every Iranian
diaspora in their party, group,
association, front, or congress,
allowing them to examine this method and idea and if agreed, follow the process
as outlined in the booklet.
Iranian diaspora; e.g., https://www.iraniandiasporacollective.com/ as well
as Americans can implement this method and means of overthrowing the
Ayatollahs' regime within the framework of their own party’s and group’s
framework and in their own name, without deviating from their organization’s
Cyrus Force’s proposed amendment to the constitution, is not to rewrite and
become the author of the new constitution, rather, it contains 8-step process
at which are fully described in the twenty-page booklet.
In the past forty-five years, none of the major movements and uprisings
inside Iran, from the Summer of 1979 Kurdistan Massacre to the 2009 Green Movement , the June 2021
Manifestation of 14 people , and the Fall of 2021 massacre. None of these
uprisings have brought a revolution to
change the Iranian constitution nor the behavior of the Ayatollahs towards the separation of church and state, however, the recent revolution
of The Woman Life Freedom has attracted the attention of the world since 2022.
As written in the booklet, the regime of the mullahs is ideal for most of
the countries of the world, especially Israel, the Arab world, and the World's
Military Industrial Complex. No
government in the world have ever wanted or shall want to change the mullahs’
regime in Iran.
But with the advent of the Woman
Life Freedom revolution, many people's consciences have been awakened. The time has come to go through the next
phases of the transitioning the revolution on the unbreakable foundation of Women Life Freedom revolution, which is in
essence is a protest against Articles 5 and
8 of the Constitution in Iran.
However, to prevent the inevitable fall of the Islamic regime, Ayatollah
Khamenei has been forced to appoint a moderate and reformist as the interim
president, against his own will and desire, so that he can entertain the
Iranian people for a few years like in
President Khatami's era.
The followers of Cyrus and the Iranian people inside and outside of Iran
know quite well that the selection and the appointment of the President in Iran
is under the control of the supreme leader which is derived from the
constitution. The President does not have full authority to govern over the
country's macro policy, restrain theft, looting and support for terrorist
groups. He has no meaningful control
over his government, hence the Ayatollah’s power in creating crises in the
world will continue as in the past, but the President and the foreign minister
role are to prevent the fall of the
regime for a while through their clever, demagogic and disingenuous practice
against the people .
In the booklet of the Followers of Cyrus, the process to reach our goal is
clearly specified in simple language.
Let’s be clear that the Cyrus Force in America have nothing on their agenda
other than conveying the message of amending and restoring the Iran’s
constitution as the only means of changing the behavior of Ayatollahs and
addressing this vital phenomenon to the US Senate and Congress.
Furthermore, the US Congress and Senate have no jurisdiction to put
pressure on the Ayatollahs, except to enact
Smart Sanctions against Iran's Oligarchy looters!
It is necessary to explain that the current US sanctions against Iran are
in favor of the government and looters of Iran, and at the same time, they have
caused enormous financial damages to all sectors of the society and most of the
noble and defenseless people of Iran.
The aforementioned two measures are on the agenda of the Cyrus Force of
The rationale for writing such letters, guidelines and sending booklet is
only because Iranians and Americans are able to act independently in their own
name and even without any dependence on Cyrus Force, they convey the message of
changing and restoring the Iran’s constitution to the American politicians.
The booklet of the Cyrus Force will soon be published in two parts, English
and Persian. And the "PDF" of its Persian and English text are posted
on the website of www.CyrusForce.org
The "PDF" of the Cyrus Force Doctrine in English could be downloaded by clicking here
معرفی و شرح هدف
و وسیله پیروان کوروش (سایروس فورس) آمریکا
پیروان کورش از دوهزار پانصد سال پیش
وجود داشته، تاکه از بیست سال پیش در آمریکا به نام "سایروس فورس" برای
تغییر و ترمیم قانون اساسی و سقوط رژیم آخوندی در ایران به ثبت رسیده است
پیروان کوروش که خود را در آمریکا
"سایروس فورس" مینامند، اکنون یک هدف و یک وسیله برای تغییر قانون اساسی
در ایران و نتیجتاً سقوط رژیم آیت الله ها دارند که در کتابچه پیوست پیشنهاد میکنند
سایروس فورس یک حزب یا گروه نیست و پیروان
کوروش به دنبال جمع کردن عضو و هوادار و جمع آوری اعانه نیستند، بلکه پیشنهاد
خودشان را به ایرانیان خارج از کشور و خصوصا ایرانیان آمریکائی میدهند که آنها
خودشان، به نام خودشان، اگر مایل بودند، مبارزه را ادامه دهند
پیروان کوروش کتابچه پیشنهاد مراحل تغییر
قانون اساسی در ایران را به هر ایرانی در خارج از کشور ارائه میدهند که آنها در
حزب، یا گروه، یا انجمن، یا جبهه، یا کنگره، و یا مهستان خودشان این روش و ایده را
بررسی و در صورت توافق، دنبال و پیگیری کنند
ایرانیان خارج از کشور بدون آنکه از عقیده
صنفی خودشان عدول کرده باشند، این روش و وسیله سرنگونی رژیم آیت الله ها را میتوانند
در چهارچوب گروه خودشان و به نام خودش بکار ببرند
مراحل پیشنهادی پیروان کوروش با هدف تغییر
قانون اساسی، و نه نگارنده قانون اساسی جدید در این کتابچه سی صفحه ای شرح داده
شده است
در چهل و پنج سال گذشته هیچ کدام از
جنبش های بزرگ داخل ایران از کشتار 58 کردستان گرفته تا جنبش سبز 88، بیانیه 14 تن
در خرداد 98، و کشتار پائیز 98 هیچکدام نتوانستند انقلاب تغییر قانون اساسی ایران
را به مرحله کنونی برساند، تاکه انقلاب زن زندگی آزادی، توجه جهانیان را در سال
1401 به خود جلب کرده است
همانطور که در کتابچه نوشته شده رژیم
آخوندها برای تمام کشورهای جهان و خصوصا اسرائیل و اعراب و کمپلکس صنایع نظامی
جهان ایده آل بوده و هیچ دولتی در جهان خواهان تغییر رژیم آخوندها نبوده و نیستند
ولی با انقلاب زن زندگی آزادی وجدان
بعضی ها بیدار شده و وقت آن رسیده که بر زیربنای خلل ناپذیر انقلاب زن زندگی آزادی که در حقیقت اعتراض به اصل 5 و اصل 8 قانون
اساسی است، مراحل بعدی دوران گذار انقلاب را طی کرد
ولی فقیه برای جلوگیری از سقوط حتمی رژیم
مجبور شده است، برخلاف میل و روش ذاتی خودش، یک اصلاح طلب را به عنوان رئیس جمهور
موقت تعین کند تا که بتواند مثل دوران خاتمی مردم را برای چند سالی سرگرم کند
پیروان کوروش در داخل و خارج ایران به
خوبی میدانند، که تعین رئیس جموری که طبق قانون اساسی اختیار تامی درمورد سیاست
کلان مملکت ندارد، دزدی، غارت ایران و حمایت از گروه های تروریستی و بحران آفرینی
در جهان طبق روال گذشته ادامه خواهد داشت و رئیس جمهور و وزیر خارجه فقط با سخنان
زیرکانه، عوام فریبی و مردم پسند خود شاید بتوانند از سقوط رژیم برای مدتی جلوگیری
در کتابچه پیروان کوروش مراحلی که باید
اکنون طی شود شرح داده شده است
اکنون پیروان کوروش در آمریکا به غیر
از رسانیدن پیام تغییر و ترمیم قانون اساسی به عنوان تنها وسیله تغییر رفتار آیت
الله ها به سنا و کنگره آمریکا در دستور کار خود ندارد
همچنین کنگره و سنای آمریکا هیچگونه وسیله
ای برای فشار بر آیت الله ها به جز تحریم هوشمندانه غارتگران ایران ندارند! لازم
به توضیح است که تحریم های کنونی به نفع حکومت و غارتگران ایران بوده و در عین حال
صدمات هنگفتی به تمام قشر جامعه و اکثریت ملت نجیب و بدون دفاع ایران زده است
اکنون این دو اقدام در دستور کار پیروان
کوروش و سایروس فورس آمریکا میباشد
علت نوشتن این نامه ها و ارسال کتابچه
فقط آنست که ایرانیان به نام خودشان و حتی بدون هیچگونه
وابستگی به پیروان کورش پیام تغییر و
ترمیم قانون اساسی را به سیاستمداران آمریکا ابلاغ دارند
پی دی اف این کتابچه سی صفحه ای در وب
سایت "قانون دات ارگ" گذاشته شده است
برای دانلود پیشنهاد پیروان کوروش اینجا را کلیک کنید
Cyrus Force Tools at Step Six
Inside Iran To Remove Ayatollahs From Government
Any negotiation with the
Iranian Regime while Iranian have the present Constitution is useless and
Any sanction at the present
form not only have no effect on the regime, but helps Ayatollahs and their
coronis to continue looting Iran more and more.
Bombing Iran or sending
fire arms to Iran will the biggest mistake and the day after that popularity of
the Ayatollahs Regime, which is less than 5% will shoot to 50% and with the
tricks that Ayatollahs have learned their popularity will grow even further and
all our plans for change of regime will delay for decades.
While the Cyrus Force Road
Map is discussed in the US Senate and Smart Sanctions on the Oligarchies of
Ayatollahs are imposed, Cyrus Force will start step six in Iran as it was
explained the booklet “The Road Map”.
Cyrus Force weapons for
step six are four books written in Persian, which will be printed in China and
distribute inside Iran by “Payrowan Kourosh” publisher.
These books are:
The Road Map, Persian
The Quran Chronicle, Persian
The Shahnameh (Summary of all
stories), Persian
Don’t Cry Iran, Persian
Three books written in
English are Cyrus Force presentation in the US:
The Road map
The Quran Chronicle
Imagine the Fall of Ayatollahs
Hopefully these three books should be enough
for Cyrus Force presentation.
The Road Map (Persian)
Road Map is a dual-language booklet in English and Persian, which has been
published in the US.
booklet is Cyrus Force presentation to the American Politicians, especially US
Secretary of State and Senators to explain Cyrus Force Road Map to change the
Regime of Ayatollahs in Iran.
will be sent to any worthy Iranian living outside Iran by Internet.
it is Cyrus Force tool in step five and step six.
inside Iran must know exactly what Cyrus Force is advocating in the US.
must know the Cyrus Force has shown the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of
Iran to the US Senators and Law Makers are aware of eight places in the
constitution of Iran, which clearly are anti American and pro-terrorism and
asking for destruction of America.
must know the US is not after interfering with Iran internal affairs and making
leader and new regime in Iran.
must know the changes in Iran will be by the people of Iran without any
interference from anybody outside Iran.
the last chapter of the book in Persian, plans and proposals for developments
in Iran have been suggested and references are made to Cyrus Force Company
website www.chamco.net
Quran Chronicle (Persian)
After Prophet Mohammad's
death, during the four years governing of the first Khalif Abubaker, all the
four years was spent to crush anti Islam rebellion in Arabia.
It was during the second Khalif
Omar, the plan which Salman the Persian has in mind was executed and Persian
Empire was attached.
For fifteen years after “Hejrah”
(Immigration of Prophet Mohamad) from Makah to Madinah, and strategizing the
expansion of Islam by Salman, the Persian, he sent copies of Makah Verses to
the commanders of army and scholars in Iran and giving them good news of coming
Masaya to rescue them from tyranny.
It was during the second
Khalif Omar The capital of Persian Empire, Tisfoon near Baghdad fell into the
hand of Arab Muslims.
During the rule of Salman
in Tisfoon, Salman lies to Iranian people became apparent and people were
protesting the differences between the first half of Quran (Makah Verses) and
second half of Quran (Madinah Verses).
Salman and Osman who
became the third Khalif decided to mix all verses of the Quran and sent a
decree that Quran must be read in Arabic with mixed verses.
It is for 14 centuries
that Iranian only read Quran in Arabic and mixed verses.
The Cyrus Force Persian
Quran, is the most powerful weapon to show the lies of Ayatollahs and a
testimony that Islamic Republic of Iran Constitution is anti-Quran.
Cyrus Force argue that
Ayatollahs do not believe Quran is complete!
Cyrus Force argue that the
Ayatollahs Constitution is according to “Hadis” (stories that are made up
referring to what Prophit and his successors did) and NOT Quran!
Shahnameh (Persian, Summary of all
Shahnameh, The Epic of the
Kings is the most popular literature among Iranian and the most hated book by
the Ayatollahs.
The Epic of Shahnameh. The
seminal work of Persian literature is the Shahnameh, an epic poem that recounts
the history of pre-Islamic Persia or Iranshahr (Greater Iran). The Shahnameh
contains more than hundred stories, told in 990 chapters with 50,000 rhyming
The most important
creation of New Persian literature – the Shahnameh, or the 'Book of Kings' –
has been defined as the national epic of the Iranian people, their 'identity
card' (shenas-nameh) and an encyclopedia of Iranian culture.
This book has been
summarized in 300 pages for distribution in Iran.
Ferdowsi's Shahnameh is
not only the history of the ancient people of Iran, but also the history of the
culture of the ancient people who lived in a large area from China to the
A culture that has been
attacked, burned, looted and destroyed for thousands of years and revived.
All this remains and will
remain forever in Ferdowsi's poems.
The Iranians are indebted
to Ferdowsi for the revival of Iranian identity and the Persian language
Don’t Cry Iran
This is a narrative among
most of the Iranian poets and writers in Heven telling each other how wicket
the Ayatollahs are.
They talk and selected
poems and writing from their books have been collected in this book.
After the non-violent
struggle and victory of the movement, the leaders of this regime should not be
executed. Rather, they should be forced to write the memoirs of their crimes.
All propaganda works and tombs should be preserved and later turned into a museum
to show the crimes against humanity and Iranian people.
In this book, in a
legendary world that we have called heaven, the greats of Iranian history have
a conversation and examine each other's works and give us advice at the end.
For presentation in the
The Road Map (English)
In the past forty-five
years, none of the major movements and uprisings inside Iran, from the Summer
of 1979 Kurdistan Massacre to the 2009 Green Movement, the June 2021
Manifestation of 14 people, and the Fall of 2021 massacre. None of these
uprisings have brought a revolution to change the Iranian constitution nor the
behavior of the Ayatollahs towards the separation of church and state, however,
the recent revolution of The Woman Life Freedom has attracted the attention of
the world since 2022.
As written in this
booklet, the regime of the mullahs is ideal for most of the countries of the
world, especially Israel, the Arab world, and the World's Military Industrial
Complex. No government in the world have
ever wanted or shall want to change the mullahs’ regime in Iran.
But with the advent of the
Woman Life Freedom revolution, many people's consciences have been
awakened. The time has come to go
through the next phases of the transitioning the revolution on the unbreakable
foundation of Women Life Freedom revolution, which is in essence is a protest against
Articles 5 and 8 of the Constitution in Iran.
This book is the Road Map To
change the Regime of Ayatollahs without any scarify of our best and any
Quran Chronicle (English)
Ten years after Prophet Mohammad's death, during the Othman
Caliphate, it was decided to rearrange chapters of the Quran, forgetting surah 25,
verses 32 – 33 and surah 17, verses 106 –107. Although the Quran says:
“well-arranged stages, gradually and the best explanation….”
Below shows how each
chapter has been rearranged and read for fourteen centuries. The first chapter,
which was revealed in 610 AD, is Chapter 96 in the Quran
1st /96, 2nd /68,
3/73, 4/74, 5/1,
6/111, 7/81, 8/87,
9/92, 10/89, 11/93, 12/94,
13/103, 14/100, 15/108,
16/102, 17/107, 18/109, 19/105,
20/113, 21/114, 22/112,
23/53, 24/80, 25/97, 26/91,
27/85, 28/95, 29/106,
30/101, 31/75, 32/104, 33/77, 34/50,
35/90, 36/86, 37/54,
38/38, 39/7, 40/72,
41/36, 42/25, 43/35,
44/19, 45/20, 46/56,
47/26, 48/27, 49/28,
50/17, 51/10, 52/11,
53/12, 54/15, 55/6,
56/37, 57/31, 58/34,
59/39, 60/40, 61/41,
62/42, 63/43, 64/44,
65/45, 66/46, 67/51,
68/88, 69/18, 70/16,
71/71, 72/14, 73/21,
74/23, 75/32, 76/52,
77/67, 78/69, 79/70,
80/78, 81/79, 82/82,
83/84, 84/30, 85/29,
Year 622, Journey from
Makkah to Medinah (Hejra)
87th /2, 88th /8,
89/3, 90/33, 91/60,
92/4, 93/99, 94/57,
95/47, 96/13, 97/55,
98/76, 99/65, 100/98,
101/59, 102/24, 103/22,
104/63, 105/58, 106/49,
107/66, 108/64, 109/61,
110/62, 111/48, 112/5, 113/9,
last chapter, 114th /110
In this book, using Yousef
Ali's English translation of the Quran, an original chronicle Quran is
Cyrus Force by this
publication will prove The Islamic of Iran Constitution has violated the Quran.
Imagine! The Fall of Ayatollahs
Today’s news headlines
depict a Middle East in revolutionary turmoil.
Iran’s economy teeters
under harsh sanctions and its people suffer under rule by hard-line clerics.
Israel vows to bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities.
Can these two deadly
enemies ever be allies? They once were.
This book looks past
current, short-sighted media and Americans limited historical consciousness to
provide a long-lens look at Iranian history. It recounts the glory days of the
Persian Empire, which witnessed peaceful relations between Persians, Armenians,
and Jews prior to invasions in 700 A.D. by Arabs and Central Asian Turkic
More importantly,
Armenians, Iranians and Jews were each victim of brutal 20th Century genocides.
The book presents a bold,
visionary scenario of how Iran can play a vital role once again in forging an
economic and political partnership among these Middle East neighbors within the
coming decade-- transforming current enemies into peaceful partners in a Union
of the Middle East.